Monday, May 12, 2014

Librarian Now

Second blog time, been a bit busy with having my birthday last week, job searching and working! That's enough of the excuses now.

Working at the library has been fantastic.  Every time I leave, I go thinking, "this is what I'm meant to do." I feel like the library is where I belong.  Like many librarians I'm an introvert, and can be a bit on the quiet side.  At the library I feel more confident and in control, like it's my domain and I know what I'm doing there. I don't know why it took me so long to realize that Librarian is the career for me.

Unfortunately, I'm only a per diem librarian.  The library I work for has me and 2 others working in rotation because the YA librarian is on maternity leave. I do keep getting more hours scheduled for the summer. Right now I'm scheduled until the end of August, and come September when they open on Sundays again I might just be the Sunday librarian again. 

I really lucked out in getting this job.  I graduated JUST as they started their search for a Sunday librarian.  I needed to have my State Librarian certificate or they wouldn't interview me. I received it 3 days before they were going to finish interviews.  They only started Sunday hours this year, and I learned that timing is everything.  At the end of May they stop Sunday hours, so if a librarian wasn't on Maternity leave then I'd be without a job.

I'm still looking for full time work. I'd love to stay at the library I'm at now, especially since it's the library I grew up with! It's a very small library though and they don't need more staff. I work Sunday which is the last Sunday they have until Fall. I've been very lucky so far and have had extremely quiet Sundays. I keep being told it's not normal, and I hope my luck keeps up!

I have a few interviews this week and I'm hopeful that it will lead to something positive.  Until then I'm just happy to be getting more experience where I'm at now. 

At the end of the month is my official graduation ceremony! I already have my diploma, (I should probably get a frame for that?) but I haven't walked at the ceremony since I graduated in Feb. and they only do the ceremony once a year. My mom will be flying in from Florida, and get to see me officially graduate. When I got my BA I only did the small ceremony at my college, this time I will be walking across the state.

The one negative about Graduation is that it's during BookExpo America!! Since my mom will be flying in, I can't ditch her to go.  Though the moment she leaves, I'm heading to BEA! It's going to be my first time and I can't wait. I went to New York Comic Con last year, and I was overwhelmed by the amount of books I got there. I can only imagine that BEA for me, will be like a kid in the candy store. I'm going to want everything! I'm reading all the blogs and tips I can to try and be prepared. I can't wait to finally be there.

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